Welcome to my blog!

I’m Samantha, I’m 23 and I’m the chef, author and photographer of everything you see here on my little patch of the internet. My simple aim within these pages is to promote happiness and healthiness to all with wholesome recipes and positivity.

Day to day I work at the Health Bloggers Community, a marketing agency within the health and wellness industry that helps to bring bloggers and brands together and educate them on how to harness their influence. It’s busy, exciting and challenges me every day. But my real passion in life is food.

I learnt to cook while at university and quickly developed a real love for it. I had struggled with all kinds of digestive problems that no amount of prescription drugs or hospital visits seemed to be able to fix so I took matters into my own hands. I changed elements of my diet and read up on various nutritional studies that interested me and slowly but surely improved my health. I also learnt a lot about yoga and other stress-busting techniques (stress can have a huge effect on digestion and wellbeing) and these now form an essential part of my day to day life.

Within this health and lifestyle blog you’ll find recipes, reviews and short little articles intended to keep you happy and healthy. All recipes are created by me using natural, wholesome, good-quality ingredients and all articles hopefully reflect my positive outlook on life.

I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for in this blog, be it a fresh perspective, a delicious new recipe, or just a 5 minute respite from the crazy world we live in. Do stay and have a look around.

Samantha x